1 : 1 Life Coaching

1 : 1 Life Coaching

Life is the arena! The golf course is its metaphor!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”

(Marianne Williamson, quoted by Nelson Mandela)

When we meet 1:1, we address together your arena of life with passion and empathy, strengthening the “I” and its uniqueness:

· We explore your approach to life on the driving range – we start to experience how life feels without limits, hand breaks and expectations.

· We meet moderate challenges on the short or practice course.

· We venture into bigger challenges out on the 9- or 18-hole golf course.

· At the end of this adventure, we celebrate success and excellence as well as shortcomings, failures and future challenges in a good spirit.

1:1 Coaching can be conducted either as a Zoom-Online-Meeting or on a golf course in or near Leipzig, Dortmund, Berlin, Hamburg.

Booking request

I am interested in a Living Golf booking for:
Can the coaching take place on your golf course/driving range? *
Is there a public golf course in your area?
I am interested in a virtual coaching *
Frequency *